What Is the Adjustment Period Like After I Get Implant Dentures?

November 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentexgroup @ 7:28 pm
mature woman looking at teeth in mirror

Dentures can provide many benefits like rejuvenating your appearance, helping you speak clearer, and boosting your confidence. Implant-supported dentures are even better than regular dentures because they provide the most secure and natural-feeling option for denture wearers.

If you are interested in implant dentures in Philadelphia, you may be wondering what the adjustment period is like. While traditional dentures are notorious for taking a long time to get used to, it shouldn’t be as much of an ordeal with implant dentures.

Keep reading to learn more from your dentist in Philadelphia.

How Do Implant Dentures Work?

Implant-supported dentures secure within the mouth by attaching to several dental implants, which are surgically placed through the gums and into the jawbone. After dental implants are placed, it generally takes 4-6 months for the bone to fully heal and bond with the implant.

How Do I Eat with Implant Dentures?

Patients can begin eating their favorite foods once their denture restoration is attached, which will be about 4-6 months after the implants are placed. Becoming accustomed to eating with dentures that stay in place while chewing may take a few meals, but most patients adjust quickly.

It can also take several weeks for the mouth to adjust to the implant-supported dentures. The adjustment process may involve some soreness. To limit the soreness and get used to eating, stick to a diet of soft foods that do not require much chewing. Over the long term, patients can eat more comfortably.

What Is the Adjustment for Speaking Like with Implant Dentures?

Implant-supported dentures are secured firmly in place, unlike traditional removable dentures that may slip around in the mouth. Because of the secure fit, many patients require no time to adjust to implant-supported dentures when it comes to speaking. Implant-supported dentures can actually help patients who suffer from tooth loss speak more clearly and with the confidence of knowing their dentures are firmly in place.

If feeling normal while speaking doesn’t come easily to you, the more you practice talking with implant-supported dentures the better you become. While this may seem obvious, many begin to feel insecure speaking with their new smile as they adjust to how it feels but be sure not to let this stop you from chatting away, especially while at your house.

What Can I Do to Support My Implant Dentures After I Adjust to Them?

Drinking water often and limiting your sugar consumption are advised. Water can wash away bacteria and food particles, which helps the patient maintain ideal oral health. Meanwhile, excessive sugar consumption can damage the gums and increase the risk of early implant failure that results from periodontal disease.

Maintaining good oral hygiene practices is crucial as well. Be sure to keep a consistent brushing, flossing, and mouthwash schedule and do it as often as the dentist recommends. While tooth decay is no longer a risk with dentures, the dentures can still sustain damage, and periodontal (gum) disease can cause concerns with the implants.

Implant dentures can be a big upgrade from traditional dentures and be a decision that benefits you for many years, but it’s valuable to understand how adjusting to implant dentures in Philadelphia smoothly can make you more comfortable. Be sure to ask your implant dentist for more advice on your mouth’s new addition!

About the Practice

At Dentex Dental Group, our patients know they will experience world-class service and care, all without breaking their budget. We take the stress out of dentistry by going above and beyond to exceed your expectations. With us, smiling is easy, and we can’t wait to show you why we’re the biggest dental office in all of Northeast Philadelphia. We can help you with implant dentures, as well as dental implants for one or more teeth. We take care of the placement in-house, we use precise treatment planning with 3D cone beam imaging, and we’re open evenings and Saturdays to make the process convenient for you. To schedule a consultation, visit our website or call (215) 677-3904.

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